Now that you are an approved nursing continuing education provider you must have a clear understanding of how to manage your program. This course will ensure you have full knowledge of how to manage your program, create new course offerings, and maintain necessary records.
Now that you are an approved nursing continuing education provider you must have a clear understanding of how to manage your program. This course will ensure you have full knowledge of how to manage your program, create new course offerings, and maintain necessary records.
Introduction To This Lesson
How To Access Your Application Documents
Florida State Rules
FL 205 - Ongoing Evaluation, Planning & Revision of Nursing Continuing Education Courses
FL 206 - Home Study/Online/Correspondence Courses
Overview - How To Create A New CE Course
Create New Courses Offerings The Easy Way With Google Drive
Using The Canva Certificate Template
Preparing The Florida CE Offering Form
Intro To Preparing Your Existing Courses
How To Prepare Courses You Already Have For CE Credit
Why You Need To Watch This Section
CE Broker Overview
Create Your Account
Submit Your Application
Apply To Add An Additional State
Should I Add Another State?
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