Create A Nursing CE Course Workshop

Create A Nursing CE Course Workshop

Presenter: Teresa Sanderson, RN, CCM

Level: LPN, RN, APRN

Contact Hours: 5.0

Lesson Time: 7.5 Hours

Date: October 23-27, 2023

Time: 6PM - 7:30PMCST


Course Description

This workshop is designed to provide step-by-step support to help you write your first continuing education course for nurses in just five days. The workshop is led by Teresa Sanderson, Nursing Continuing Education Consultant, who will guide you through the process of developing an effective and engaging course, preparing a polished and professional presentation, and preparing to present your course for the first time.

The workshop includes hands-on activities and group discussions to help you create a comprehensive course that is both informative and engaging. Whether you're a seasoned educator or new to the field, this workshop is an excellent opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills needed to create a successful nursing continuing education course. With the support and guidance provided in this workshop, you will be able to leave with a solid course and the confidence to create more.

Behavioral Objectives:

Upon completion of this offering participants will be able to:

  • Recognize 3 key business benefits of presenting nursing continuing education offerings

  • Identify necessary components of a nursing continuing education offering

  • Understand the value of nursing continuing education as a means of expanding the reach of their business

  • Identify knowledge and practice gaps suitable for addressing with nursing continuing education

  • Apply the nursing process to the development of continuing education offerings

  • Develop engaging nursing continuing education offerings with intention of influencing behaviors

Teresa Sanderson Company, LLC, is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for 5.0 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing Provider Number: LT0304-0620

Day 1 - How Providing Nursing Continuing Education Benefits Your Business

Day 1 - REPLAY

Workbook Links

Day 1 - Attestation Statement

Day 2 - What Counts As Continuing Education For Nurses?

Day 2 - REPLAY

Workbook Links

Day 2 - Attestation Statement

Day 3 - How To Develop A Nursing Continuing Education Course

Day 3 - REPLAY

Workbook Links

Day 3 - Attestation Statement

Day 4 - Create Your Branded Slide Deck

Day 4 - REPLAY

Workbook Links

Day 4 - Attestation Statement

Day 5 - Teach Your Nursing Continuing Education Course!

Day 5 - REPLAY

Day 6 - REPLAY

Workbook Links

Day 5 - Attestation Statement

Program Evaluation

Certificate of Nursing CE


Teresa Sanderson, RN, CCM

Nursing Continuing Education Consultant

Hospice Marketing Consultant

Founder, Nurses Feed Their Young Movement


Teresa Sanderson helps nurse entrepreneurs & hospice liaisons get in front of medical and community referral sources so they can serve more clients. She launched a hospice and grew it to $3M with just a $6K investment using only a nursing continuing education program as a vehicle for marketing. An RN for more than 30 years, she is a Certified Case Manager and was formerly a Certified Hospice & Palliative Nurse.

Teresa maintains an active Nursing Continuing Education Program accredited by the Kansas State Board Of Nursing and serves as a Nursing Continuing Education Consultant, a Marketing Coach to nurse entrepreneurs and as a Hospice Marketing Consultant to organizations across the US. She is the founder of Nurses Feed Their Young, a movement to improve nursing culture and work environment.

She resides on a homestead in rural Northeast Kansas with her husband, livestock and honeybees.


About Teresa


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