Has Started A Business & Cannot Find Clients?
Spent Loads of Cash On A Website That Doesn't Produce Leads Or Sales?
Is Frustrated By Spending Endless Hours Posting On Social Media Just To Hear Crickets?
Is Thinking That Business May Not Be For You After All?
Figure out why what you're doing isn't working to bring you clients, create income, and make your hard work worth it.
Identify & implement strategies to change the trajectory of your business so that you create impact for the world and income for your family.
Unleash the flow of clients and income you dream about so you can create the life of your dreams.
Complete a comprehensive assessment of your business
Complete a SWOT Analysis
Discuss common challenges faced by nurse entrepreneurs
Identify 3 most common challenges among the group to address
Have fun and diagnose your business using mock NANDA-style Nursing Diagnoses
Discuss the impact of the diagnosis on your business
Apply the nursing process to business
Identify 3 goals for your business
Write goals in SMARTER format
Brainstorm interventions to achieve goals
Create an evaluation plan
Plan, Do, Check, Act
Get started!Here's some stuff
YES! There's no time like the present to get ready to start your business AND understand some of the most common challenges faced by nurse entrepreneurs. This workshop is great for nurses who have already started a business but are getting no traction, income, or clients. It's great for those who are seeing some success AND want to scale their business for the future. No matter where you are on the continuum this workshop will benefit you!
Once you register you will receive a Welcome email and gain access to our course area and Zoom links for the live trainings. Additional assessment tools, forms, workbooks, etc, will be available at the time the course begins.
No worries! We've got you covered! Replays of the workshop will be available for two weeks after the final presentation ends. You'll have plenty of time to catch up and complete the workshop!
Absolutely! We have so much more fun when we have a big group! The exchange of ideas, power of the mastermind is multiplied by the presence of every single person in attendance. Feel free to share!
Teresa maintains an active Nursing Continuing Education Program accredited by the Florida State Board Of Nursing and serves as a Nursing Continuing Education Consultant, a Marketing Coach to elite nurse entrepreneurs and as a Hospice Marketing Consultant to organizations across the US. She is the founder of Nurses Feed Their Young, a movement on a mission to cultivate nursing leaders, innovate continuing education, and develop nurse entrepreneurs.
She resides on a homestead in rural Northeast Kansas with her husband, livestock and honeybees.
Copyright 2022-2024
Teresa Sanderson Company, LLC
All Rights Reserved